Venue: Edinburgh Castle Room clear filter
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Friday, May 9

8:00pm MDT

Can Students "Pick Up" all of the Vocabulary They Need? The roles of incidental and intentional learning for second language vocabulary development
Friday May 9, 2025 8:00pm - 9:15pm MDT
Teachers and researchers agree that students need to develop a large vocabulary and that they need to be able to use words in a wide range of contexts. Yet many students struggle to develop the second language vocabulary they need to succeed academically in school. In order to achieve this goal, opportunities for both intentional and incidental learning are required. Using studies that show the nature of vocabulary in natural contexts, I will show why students are unlikely to “pick up” the vocabulary they need in ordinary school and out of school settings.  Then, I will show how research on how vocabulary is learned has led to a set of key principles that can guide teachers and materials writers in developing intentional learning activities to support vocabulary learning in classrooms.
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Dr. Diane Schmitt

Independent Education Consultant, Author
Diane Schmitt was a Senior Lecturer in EFL/TESOL for 25 years at Nottingham Trent University in the UK and now works as an independent educational consultant.  She has given presentations, workshops and seminars for students and teachers in over 30 countries.  Her interests include... Read More →
Friday May 9, 2025 8:00pm - 9:15pm MDT
Edinburgh Castle Room
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