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Saturday, May 10

3:15pm MDT

Concurrent Session C5: Tackling Writing with ELLs
Saturday May 10, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
Why is writing so difficult for second language learners?
A) It’s demanding
B) It takes effort and requires knowledge in quite a few areas—all in all, a heavy cognitive load.
C) Students must simultaneously think about vocabulary, grammar, and meaning, as they create original sentences and connect ideas by spelling each individual word, and applying rules around capitalization and punctuation. (And don’t forget editing and tone…)
D) All of the above!
Developing writers face a myriad of challenges that can impact the writing process. This presentation will review and tackle some of these challenges. We will consider strategies, examine engaging writing activities and have a look at actual ELL writing samples to practice feedback and determine next steps.

Nancy Musica

Nancy Musica, M.Ed., works with Edmonton Public Schools as an Educational Consultant in the areas of EAL and Gifted Education. She began her career as a kindergarten teacher and later became a school counselor, while also running an EAL program for elementary students. She has taught... Read More →
Saturday May 10, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
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