Saturday May 10, 2025 1:45pm - 3:00pm MDT
Verbal communication is only one of many forms of representation that can be used to communicate mathematical ideas! To support English as Additional Language (EAL) learners, we’ll explore how to embed multiple forms of mathematical representation and high impact strategies within task design to engage all learners in understanding and communicating their mathematical thinking. We will model and debrief how multiple representations in mathematical routines and problem solving might be used to ensure EAL learners can fully participate in rigorous mathematical thinking and learning. (The principles we’ll explore in the session will apply to K-12 teachers; however, the examples and content used will be applicable to K-9 teachers.).

Kathy Beamer

Kathy Beamer (Bed., MEd) has 20+ years of experience as a classroom teacher, math coach, mathematics specialist, and mathematics/science curriculum consultant in Alberta, Australia, and England. She is currently an English as an Additional Language Strategist with the CBE, working... Read More →

Conie Goodwin

Connie Goodwin is a leadership and team coach, facilitator and educational consultant. Connie has over 30 years of experience in mathematics education and professional development. Connie is passionate about mathematics and helping teachers to find joy, wonder and confidence in their... Read More →
Saturday May 10, 2025 1:45pm - 3:00pm MDT

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