Audience: Div. I & Div. II (Grade 1-6) clear filter
Saturday, May 10

3:15pm MDT

Concurrent Session C4: Introducing and Using Self-Assessments
Saturday May 10, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
Our school has been actively working on using criteria and self-assessment to improve student learning. This session will invite participants into our journey by sharing practical examples of our implementation process in division one and two classrooms with a range of English language proficiency levels (yes, even beginners!). Every journey has its challenges and unexpected benefits, these will be shared as well. Come prepared for an interactive discussion and hopefully a few laughs along the way!

Christine McCuaig

Christine McCuaig is a Calgary Board of Education Assistant Principal in a K-6 elementary school where students speak over 40 different languages! She has a Bachelor of Elementary Education degree with a minor in TESL and a Master of Education degree focusing on Identifying and Programming... Read More →
Saturday May 10, 2025 3:15pm - 4:30pm MDT
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